Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 6.....The Dead Sea

Adam and I woke up Early and drove to the Dead Sea to hike up to En Gedi.  On the way There we Passed Jerrico in the Distance. When we Reached the +0 Altitute line (Sea Level) There was a man giving Camel rides.  I decided to give it a try.  I got on the camel and when the camel stood up it was quite scary, I thought I was going to fall off the camel.  It felt alot higher up than it looked before I got on the camel.  the man walked me around on the camel for a few minutes and then we took some pictures by the Sea level sign.  Afterwords we drove down further and further untill we reached the dead sea.  It was so beautiful the water was so clear and the rocks around us towered over  us like giant mountains.  Across the dead sea you could see Jordan.  (The border of Jordan runs right down the middle of the dead sea.)  We Arived at En Gedi and started our hike up to David's Waterfall.  En Gedi is where David and Johnathon escaped from Shaul.  It was full on sun and HOT!  We hiked for only about 3 or 4 minutes and I thought for sure I would not make it all the way there, I was feeling tired and the heat was killing me.  I had no Idea how far we had to go or weather or not there would be trees or some form of shade.  As we hiked, to my suprise, we came upon a small oasis, or pool.  it was clean and blue and had a small water fall falling into it.  People were swiming and enjoying themselves.  Adam and I decided to continue on because the pool was crowded, but Adam assured me there would be more pools like that one to come.  We stopped in the shade and rested for a minute, we had bearly begun our hike and we were already in need of shade and a break.  The heat just zaps all your energy from you before you know it.  We left our shade and walked only a few more minutes and came upon another pool with only a few people swimming.  I slowly, but happily walked into the pool with all my clothes on.  It was cool but not cold and the perfect way to cool off in the desert heat.  From then on the hike was nice, we had streams and a little shade and more pools to cool off in.  The total hike ended up being suprisingly short and beautiful.  When we reached the top it was worth it, there was a water fall and lots of caverns and vegitation, the whole scene was spectacular.  On the way back we swam in the pools again for a while then had lunch.  Afterwards, we went and looked at the ruins of an old synagogue.  Then we were off to float in the Dead Sea.  We went to Mineral Beach which is a beach and spa on the shore of the Dead sea.  We paid 50 Shekals to get in and it was well worth it.  Getting in the water you have to be careful not to get the water on your face, or especialy in you eyes, there is so much salt in the water it would burn like crazy.  WARNING, Do not Shave the day you go to the dead sea.  You can feel the burn of the salt on every cut or scrape on your body, even ones you didnt know you had.  When you get in the water you just float, you cant sink if you wanted to.   I was suprised that the water was so oily, you can see and feel the oils and minerals on your body and in the water.  I can see why the water is good for the skin, Imedietly I felt soft and pampered.  There were a few places on the shore where you could gather the black soft sea mud and spread it on your skin, the first time I did it i just rinsed it off imedietly, but then I went back and covered my whole body, face and hair in the stuff and baked in the sun, then washed it off with the water in the dead sea.  When we were done, we took a fresh water rinse and went home.  because the mud smells slightly of sulfer we were stinky when we got home.  I took a shower and my hair and skin felt noticeably softer and cleaner.  It was a good day and I was ready to sleep. 

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