Thursday, July 17, 2008

Days 20-23

I am having some trouble posting pictures so please check back for more pictures......

Its just about time for me to leave Israel.  I have been here for 3 weeks, and its a country smaller than the state of Florida.  I still have only seen a very small percentage of what there is to see.  Part of the reason for that is because the main point of this trip was to meet Adams family and spend time with them, so we spent a lot of time just at home or at family's homes.  I am so happy to have met Adams family, they are all so nice and Interesting and I am glad to have them as an addition to my already wonderful family.  As for whats been happening in the last 4 days, we have mostly been running around town doing things for Adams parents and taking care of some last minute errands before we leave.  Monday we went to Jerusalem with Adams aunt and uncle and his mom.  They wanted to buy a few things in the old city, Including these wonderfully colored crystal glasses.  The thing about Israel is that things are NOT cheaper than in the states, and some things are actually more expensive. But at the market in the old city you can Bargain, Bargain, Bargain.  Actually you have to, because they will over charge you, not just a little, but a ridiculous amount.  There was a bracelet I wanted and is wasn't anything special, it was made from a cheap material and plastic beads, they were asking 200 shekels for it, that's 60 dollars.  The bracelet was worth no more than 10 dollars.  So we tried bargaining with him and he wanted 150 shekels, still too much.  We left and on our way back he said "Okay, okay 20 shekels."  When we said okay he gave us a different bracelet, and I told him that wasn't the one I wanted, and he said the one I wanted he could do for 30 shekels.  Even though he knew exactly which one I wanted, It was all a sales tactic.   We took it for 30 Shekels because I thought that wasn't a bad price for it.  The thing is, you have to do that with EVERY little thing you buy, other wise you can be over charged anywhere from 20 dollars to hundreds of dollars.
It was kind of fun and kind of a head ache.  They have all kinds of wonderful things though,  as long as you keep your eyes open and are picky, you can find nice things.   We were in a hurry that day, so Tuesday I went back with just Adam.  Next time I come, I will have to designate a whole day for just shopping in the old city of Jerusalem.  There is a new bridge in Jerusalem, its a piece of art.  the way its held up by cords and is perfectly balanced is interesting to look at.  its almost scary to drive under it because it looks like one thing wrong with the bridge and it could easily fall on you.  Yesterday we did nothing but eat and start packing.  As everyone has probably heard, the two Israeli solders who were kidnapped a few years ago had been returned to Israel, or rather their bodies.  Everyone here was so sad, yet happy that their bodies were returned.  In America people don't pay as much attention to these types of things, they see in on the news and have their reaction, if any reaction at all, and then get on with their day.  Here its like it was a family member, people were crying and it was just such a heavy moment.  The thing is that army drafting is mandatory for both men and women.  So I think one of the things people are thinking is, that could of been my son, or my brother, or my husband.  Its not like these people choose to go into the army, or go to war, they are thrown into it as children.  Young men and women, many younger than me, walk around with guns over their shoulders, or are forced to go in to areas of conflict and use any means necessary to protect themselves.   Hopefully things will only get better for this young country and hopefully the seemingly impossible Idea of peace will become possible.  Israel is such a wonderful country with so much history and dreams and beauty.  Its a shame for it to always be shadowed by war and conflict.
Anyway, today we continue packing and Adam flies out tonight.  I fly out tomorrow night, and I will miss Israel.

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