Wednesday Adam, his mom, and I went to Jerusalem again. Adam's mom had some things to do and Adam had a doctors apt. We walked around down town Jerusalem in the early morning, there were shops and an outdoor market place selling meats, fruits, vegitables, and sweets. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and I notices people were looking at me funny, Aparently alot of the people in Jerusalem are really religious and they all were wearing (the women) pants or skirts that at least came down to the knees. After running around Jerusalem to do errands We had lunch at a nice Italian/Meditrainian resteraunt. I ate a Goat cheese sandwich which was really tasty. The sun was so strong, I got so tired from being in the sun all day, I had a head ache and felt dizzy. The thing is, in the shade it wasn't that hot, it was just the sun that is beating down on you. A little bit latter we visited the grave of Adams best friend. That was a very sad part of the day, he died in a plane crash in wyoming flying from California to Illinois. We paid our respects and lit some candels. None of the graves at the graveyard were in the ground they are all stone tombs above ground and people place rocks on them to sybolize that they were there to visit. After dropping adams mom off we went to the doctors and then went to go meet Ivan and Judy (my aunt and uncle) at their hotel. We were supposed to meet them at 6 but we were a little late and they were not answering their hotel room phone. Later I found out that they didnt get in till later, so we missed them. Its unfortunate but they are having a good time and so am I, I will see them soon I am sure and we can share stories about Israel. Actualy early that afternoon there was a Terrorist attack where we had been that morning. Somone stole a tractor and drove it into the street and crushed cars and hit a bus knocking it over. 3 people died, and many were Injured. Adam said that when somthing like that happens they block certain roads like from Bethlehem and I was worried that mabey Ivan and Judy got stuck in Bethlehem because of it. But they were fine, I talked to them and they are in Greece now. Yesterday (Thursday) We went to Ikea to get things for the house. I have always said one of the many reasons I hate Walmart is because the customer service in walmart is horrible. Ikea makes Walmart look like a dream. They dont have Anything in stock and the coustomer service was the worst I have ever experienced. Its not just Ikea, Adam wanted to switch the rental car that we have been using because the air conditioning wasnt working right and he had to talk to them at least 4 times to get them to let him switch his car. he called and asked if they had anymore of that car in stock and they said yes, then when he said he wanted to switch his car they said the didnt have any. It was a big hassle, apparently you have to fight to get what you want here. Later in the Evening I met one of Adams good friend and his wife. One thing I noticed is everyone smokes cigerettes here. and two of the women I met yesterday were pregnent and smokeing. I was astonished, you dont really ever see that in the states.
I am getting used to the fact that you have to have you bag checked before you enter a public store or place. Its like mini airport security, you have to walk throug a metal detector in some places, but I am greatful that i know I will me more safe.
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