Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 5.... Stay at home day

I am not used to the food yet so my stomach has been upset.  Today we just relaxed and stayed at home.  I talked to My family who are visiting Israel as well and I will meet up with them either on monday or Wednesday in Jerusalem.  I Made a mistake and put the dome of the rock picture with the lable of  El-azek mosque which was wrong....Oops.   Today I have learned that we cannot go visit many historic towns because they are not safe for jewish people.  Some of these places are Hebron, Bethlehem (where you can visit the place where Jesus was supposedly born), Jericho (which is the oldest city in the world), and many other places. I am very disapointed and I want to go anyway, but I understand that my and Adams safety are the most important thing.  As a matter of fact I think it is forbiden for the Jewish people of Israel to go to Jericho (dont quote me  : ) )

Random Facts:

Tel-Aviv means Spring Hill
You have to show the inside of your bags before entering a public store or coffee shop
When an olive tree is cut down it will grow back
The olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane are saplings of the original olive trees from the time of Jesus
The Dead sea is the lowest section of the earths crust.

Thats it for today, its been a "cool" weekend and is supposed to heat up starting tomorrow.  Cool is in quotations because it still feels HOT. (its only about 8o somthing degrees out but feels much hotter.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man! I can't believe you can't go to those places! That's so... not fair!