Thursday, July 17, 2008

Days 20-23

I am having some trouble posting pictures so please check back for more pictures......

Its just about time for me to leave Israel.  I have been here for 3 weeks, and its a country smaller than the state of Florida.  I still have only seen a very small percentage of what there is to see.  Part of the reason for that is because the main point of this trip was to meet Adams family and spend time with them, so we spent a lot of time just at home or at family's homes.  I am so happy to have met Adams family, they are all so nice and Interesting and I am glad to have them as an addition to my already wonderful family.  As for whats been happening in the last 4 days, we have mostly been running around town doing things for Adams parents and taking care of some last minute errands before we leave.  Monday we went to Jerusalem with Adams aunt and uncle and his mom.  They wanted to buy a few things in the old city, Including these wonderfully colored crystal glasses.  The thing about Israel is that things are NOT cheaper than in the states, and some things are actually more expensive. But at the market in the old city you can Bargain, Bargain, Bargain.  Actually you have to, because they will over charge you, not just a little, but a ridiculous amount.  There was a bracelet I wanted and is wasn't anything special, it was made from a cheap material and plastic beads, they were asking 200 shekels for it, that's 60 dollars.  The bracelet was worth no more than 10 dollars.  So we tried bargaining with him and he wanted 150 shekels, still too much.  We left and on our way back he said "Okay, okay 20 shekels."  When we said okay he gave us a different bracelet, and I told him that wasn't the one I wanted, and he said the one I wanted he could do for 30 shekels.  Even though he knew exactly which one I wanted, It was all a sales tactic.   We took it for 30 Shekels because I thought that wasn't a bad price for it.  The thing is, you have to do that with EVERY little thing you buy, other wise you can be over charged anywhere from 20 dollars to hundreds of dollars.
It was kind of fun and kind of a head ache.  They have all kinds of wonderful things though,  as long as you keep your eyes open and are picky, you can find nice things.   We were in a hurry that day, so Tuesday I went back with just Adam.  Next time I come, I will have to designate a whole day for just shopping in the old city of Jerusalem.  There is a new bridge in Jerusalem, its a piece of art.  the way its held up by cords and is perfectly balanced is interesting to look at.  its almost scary to drive under it because it looks like one thing wrong with the bridge and it could easily fall on you.  Yesterday we did nothing but eat and start packing.  As everyone has probably heard, the two Israeli solders who were kidnapped a few years ago had been returned to Israel, or rather their bodies.  Everyone here was so sad, yet happy that their bodies were returned.  In America people don't pay as much attention to these types of things, they see in on the news and have their reaction, if any reaction at all, and then get on with their day.  Here its like it was a family member, people were crying and it was just such a heavy moment.  The thing is that army drafting is mandatory for both men and women.  So I think one of the things people are thinking is, that could of been my son, or my brother, or my husband.  Its not like these people choose to go into the army, or go to war, they are thrown into it as children.  Young men and women, many younger than me, walk around with guns over their shoulders, or are forced to go in to areas of conflict and use any means necessary to protect themselves.   Hopefully things will only get better for this young country and hopefully the seemingly impossible Idea of peace will become possible.  Israel is such a wonderful country with so much history and dreams and beauty.  Its a shame for it to always be shadowed by war and conflict.
Anyway, today we continue packing and Adam flies out tonight.  I fly out tomorrow night, and I will miss Israel.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Days 17-19

The last three days (Friday, Saturday and Today) we were in Tiberias.  We didn't see too much outside the hotel because we were visiting with Adams Family.  Friday We Drove from Modi'in towards the north.  The more north we got the more green the land became and the hills became larger.  In the Jerusalem area there are walls, gates, and checkpoint everywhere separating the Arab towns from the Jewish areas.  The more north we got the less separated it seemed.  In the north the only way I could tell if a town was a Arab town was if there was a muslim mosque in the town.  It was so strange for me, in Jerusalem, to see everything so separate.  And it was nice to see that somewhere in the country things are a little more relaxed.   When we approached Tiberias you could see the town on the side of a large hill overlooking the kinneret, or also known as the sea of gallali (its actually a large lake).  The Kinneret is Israels ONLY source of fresh watter, and its so small!  Its a major problem here, conserving water is a big concern.  On all the toilets you have 2 flushers, one is for a small flush, the other is for a large flush.  The Kinneret is shrinking at a rapid pace.  Its so weird to see where the line of it used to be just recentlly.  
We met Adams Grandparents at a hotel on the lake.  We also met Adams aunt and uncle who are world famous doctors.  One is a chiropractor and the other is an acupuncturist.  Adam has had some back problems and they did some things on him, including some acupuncture and he says he feels amazingly better, his back does not bother him anymore.  That evening we had a nice dinner overlooking the Kinneret, Followed by dancing.   The next day we had breakfast and Adam's aunt and uncle left for Tel-Aviv.  Adams Grandparents, Adam, and I all stayed for another day and night.  We went swimming in the kinneret, relaxed in the sauna, jacuzzi and steam room and then had relaxing massages at the spa.  All the meals were buffet style and really good and fresh food.  We ate so much all day, I'm surprised I could even move.  That evening we went for a walk on the promenade in tiberrias.  It was the same as the promenade in Eilat, a bunch of shops and cafes open late at night and a lot of people walking around.  I bought some Israeli music, and then we went back to the hotel to sleep.  This morning we dropped Adam's grandparents off at their home and then came back to Adam's home.  
And that was our weekend....  Please always check previous blogs that haven't had any pictures because somtimes I post the pictures after I post the blog... And thank you for reading!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 10-16

sorry I have not been writing lately, I have been so busy and having a wonderful time.  Friday Adam and I didn't do too much.  Friday in Israel is like Sunday in the U.S.,  All the store close really early and there isn't too much to do.  Saturday we went to Cessaria and met some of Adams friends. This couple had an amazing home, it was like and old Moroccan style inside and it was just so beautiful.  Apparently Cessaria is like the Beverly hills of Israel.  Afterwards we drove to Eilat, which in on the southern tip of Israel bordering Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  It was a 4 hour drive of nothing but desert, and I couldn't even see that because it was night time.  We are staying in this studio flat that this couple here rents out to travelers, its really cute and very homey.  I ate dates for the first time (I know they have them everywhere, but I never thought I would like them.)  I had to try them since they are growing everywhere here, and to my surprise, I love them.  they also have Mango trees everywhere as well.  Sunday, Adam and I woke up early and went snorkeling in the Red Sea.  The water was Freezing!!  the temperature in Eilat is about 110 degrees everyday but the water in the sea is like the water in lake Tahoe.... Cold!  The cold water was worth it, the snorkeling was amazing, I saw some coral, beautiful fish with colors of jewels, It was so wonderful.  I wish I could take pictures underwater so I could share it with everyone.  After that we had a nice lunch at an Asian style restaurant with Adams good friend, and some other people who live in Eilat.  Everyone was so nice and fun to be around.  There were two guys who are from Switzerland and Belgium and they used to skate in a show called Holiday on Ice.  Another guy is someone that Adam had met in Thailand when he was there, he is also Israeli and he and his wife are very friendly and great people.  After lunch we went for an afternoon dip in the sea, at that point in the day the water was too cold for me.  After a nap and some rest, we went to one of the guy's home (the one from Belgium) for dinner.  He had a wonderful home  with a nice garden.  He only stays in Eilat for about 3 months at a time, its his second home.  He spends part time in Europe and part time here.  the dinner was with the same people and they are all such great company.  the cooking and conversation were wonderful.  At about 12 in the morning we went for a walk on the promenade where all the shops and cafes were open to get food, or clothes or gifts.  Back at Adam's Friends house we saw his parrots, he has 5 Parrots.  One was pure white with yellow under the wings and beautiful feathers on her head that when she lifts them it looks like a crown.  Two of them were big multi colored parrots that you could hold and pet. one was grey with a red tail, and quite unfriendly.  And the other one was a small colorful parrot that could talk.  
Monday we went shopping and had lunch at a "fast food" place.  the fast food here is falafal and shwarma (Pita sandwiches with slow cooked meat or fried balls of chick peas)  All fresh, with fresh vegetables.  Adam's friend cooked us dinner again along with the other guys we had met.  we ate and talked for hours it was so nice and peaceful.  we ate the dinner on the terrace which has a view of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  Its so weird to see Jordan as if it was just two blocks away. In fact you could walk to Jordan (based on the distance)
  Tuesday we went snorkeling again, It was even more amazing.  I saw a long fish that was about a foot long and 2 inches wide.  I saw Angel fish, I saw huge fish, schools of small fish, purple plants,  yellow coral, and many colorful fish.  Adam saw a blow fish hiding in the rocks.  It was so fun, but the water was Freezing.   Later we had dinner again at Adams friends house on the terrace with the same people and afterwards we went to a show called WOW. Its a local show where they have different acts every year or so.  They have dancers, acrobats, and all types of performers.  It was really fun and exciting to watch.
Wednesday we had  to say goodbye to the wonderful city of Eilat.  I loved it there, it was so fun yet relaxing at the same time.  there is always something to do and the weather there, although hot, was beautiful.  Someone made a good point, its like being on an island because its secluded from the rest of Israel and its on the beach.  On the way home we stoped again at the dead sea to soak in the water and then we headed to Masada.  Unfortunately when we got there it was closed.  I am so disappointed, I wanted to see Masada so much.  I will try to go back again, but I might have to wait till next time.  
Sorry its taken me a week to post, but I haven't had a chance since we left and we just got back yesterday.  Today was a rest day so I had an opportunity to finally write about the last week.  I will keep my blog up to date as best as I can, and post pictures as well.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 8 and Day 9

Wednesday Adam, his mom, and I went to Jerusalem again.  Adam's mom had some things to do and Adam had a doctors apt.  We walked around down town Jerusalem in the early morning, there were shops and an outdoor market place selling meats, fruits, vegitables, and sweets.  I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and I notices people were looking at me funny, Aparently alot of the people in Jerusalem are really religious and they all were wearing (the women) pants or skirts that at least came down to the knees.  After running around Jerusalem to do errands We had lunch at a nice Italian/Meditrainian resteraunt.  I ate a Goat cheese sandwich which was really tasty.  The sun was so strong,  I got so tired from being in the sun all day, I had a head ache and felt dizzy.  The thing is, in the shade it wasn't that hot, it was just the sun that is beating down on you.  A little bit latter we visited the grave of Adams best friend.  That was a very sad part of the day, he died in a plane crash in wyoming flying from California to Illinois.  We paid our respects and lit some candels.  None of the graves at the graveyard were in the ground they are all stone tombs above ground and people place rocks on them to sybolize that they were there to visit.  After dropping adams mom off we went to the doctors and  then went to go meet Ivan and Judy (my aunt and uncle)  at their hotel.  We were supposed to meet them at 6 but we were a little late and they were not answering their hotel room phone.  Later I found out that they didnt get in till later, so we missed them.  Its unfortunate but they are having a good time and so am I, I will see them soon I am sure and we can share stories about Israel.  Actualy early that afternoon there was a Terrorist attack where we had been that morning.  Somone stole a tractor and drove it into the street and crushed cars and hit a bus knocking it over. 3 people died, and many were Injured.  Adam said that when somthing like that happens they block certain roads like from Bethlehem and I was worried that mabey Ivan and Judy got stuck in Bethlehem because of it.  But they were fine, I talked to them and they are in Greece now.  Yesterday (Thursday) We went to Ikea to get things for the house.  I have always said one of the many reasons I hate Walmart is because the customer service in walmart is horrible.  Ikea makes Walmart look like a dream.  They dont have Anything in stock and the coustomer service was the worst I have ever experienced.  Its not just Ikea, Adam wanted to switch the rental car that we have been using because the air conditioning wasnt working right and he had to talk to them at least 4 times to get them to let him switch his car.  he called and asked if they had anymore of that car in stock and they said yes, then when he said he wanted to switch his car they said the didnt have any.  It was a big hassle, apparently you have to fight to get what you want here.  Later in the Evening I met one of Adams good friend and his wife.  One thing I noticed is everyone smokes cigerettes here.  and two of the women I met yesterday were pregnent and smokeing.  I was astonished, you dont really ever see that in the states.
I am getting used to the fact that you have to have you bag checked before you enter a public store or place.  Its like mini airport security, you have to walk throug a metal detector in some places, but I am greatful that i know I will me more safe. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 7....Shopping

Today I wanted to go shopping, so we went to the mall here.  It wasn't so exciting, they had some stores from the U.S. like Aldo and Nine west, but everything was much more expensive and the stores that were not in the U.S had basically the same things I could get in other stores much cheaper.  There was one store that sells European cut jeans (a little bit higher fashion with a little bit of a lower cut) that are hard to find in U.S. for a reasonable price so I bought a pair at a not so bad price.  I found out that my uncle Ivan and aunt Judy are going to Bethlehem tomorrow, their driver cannot enter so they will be dropped off at the edge of the town and then tour the town.  Supposedly its only not safe for Jewish people.  I want to go with them but they are with a tour group so it will not be possible.  I want to do some real shopping tomorrow at the Jerusalem markets and buy some middle eastern goods, like incense, jewelry and sweets.  I am trying to speak Hebrew, but I am sometimes shy and get all tongue tied.  learning a new language is harder than I thought it would be.  There is this sweet dessert here called Malabi (think Flan, but with a rose syrup instead of caramel) and you sprinkle the top with coconut and almonds.  It is so good, i really enjoy eating it.  I think its a dish from Turkey. In fact, Im going to go eat some now.....   !שלום 

Day 6.....The Dead Sea

Adam and I woke up Early and drove to the Dead Sea to hike up to En Gedi.  On the way There we Passed Jerrico in the Distance. When we Reached the +0 Altitute line (Sea Level) There was a man giving Camel rides.  I decided to give it a try.  I got on the camel and when the camel stood up it was quite scary, I thought I was going to fall off the camel.  It felt alot higher up than it looked before I got on the camel.  the man walked me around on the camel for a few minutes and then we took some pictures by the Sea level sign.  Afterwords we drove down further and further untill we reached the dead sea.  It was so beautiful the water was so clear and the rocks around us towered over  us like giant mountains.  Across the dead sea you could see Jordan.  (The border of Jordan runs right down the middle of the dead sea.)  We Arived at En Gedi and started our hike up to David's Waterfall.  En Gedi is where David and Johnathon escaped from Shaul.  It was full on sun and HOT!  We hiked for only about 3 or 4 minutes and I thought for sure I would not make it all the way there, I was feeling tired and the heat was killing me.  I had no Idea how far we had to go or weather or not there would be trees or some form of shade.  As we hiked, to my suprise, we came upon a small oasis, or pool.  it was clean and blue and had a small water fall falling into it.  People were swiming and enjoying themselves.  Adam and I decided to continue on because the pool was crowded, but Adam assured me there would be more pools like that one to come.  We stopped in the shade and rested for a minute, we had bearly begun our hike and we were already in need of shade and a break.  The heat just zaps all your energy from you before you know it.  We left our shade and walked only a few more minutes and came upon another pool with only a few people swimming.  I slowly, but happily walked into the pool with all my clothes on.  It was cool but not cold and the perfect way to cool off in the desert heat.  From then on the hike was nice, we had streams and a little shade and more pools to cool off in.  The total hike ended up being suprisingly short and beautiful.  When we reached the top it was worth it, there was a water fall and lots of caverns and vegitation, the whole scene was spectacular.  On the way back we swam in the pools again for a while then had lunch.  Afterwards, we went and looked at the ruins of an old synagogue.  Then we were off to float in the Dead Sea.  We went to Mineral Beach which is a beach and spa on the shore of the Dead sea.  We paid 50 Shekals to get in and it was well worth it.  Getting in the water you have to be careful not to get the water on your face, or especialy in you eyes, there is so much salt in the water it would burn like crazy.  WARNING, Do not Shave the day you go to the dead sea.  You can feel the burn of the salt on every cut or scrape on your body, even ones you didnt know you had.  When you get in the water you just float, you cant sink if you wanted to.   I was suprised that the water was so oily, you can see and feel the oils and minerals on your body and in the water.  I can see why the water is good for the skin, Imedietly I felt soft and pampered.  There were a few places on the shore where you could gather the black soft sea mud and spread it on your skin, the first time I did it i just rinsed it off imedietly, but then I went back and covered my whole body, face and hair in the stuff and baked in the sun, then washed it off with the water in the dead sea.  When we were done, we took a fresh water rinse and went home.  because the mud smells slightly of sulfer we were stinky when we got home.  I took a shower and my hair and skin felt noticeably softer and cleaner.  It was a good day and I was ready to sleep. 

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 5.... Stay at home day

I am not used to the food yet so my stomach has been upset.  Today we just relaxed and stayed at home.  I talked to My family who are visiting Israel as well and I will meet up with them either on monday or Wednesday in Jerusalem.  I Made a mistake and put the dome of the rock picture with the lable of  El-azek mosque which was wrong....Oops.   Today I have learned that we cannot go visit many historic towns because they are not safe for jewish people.  Some of these places are Hebron, Bethlehem (where you can visit the place where Jesus was supposedly born), Jericho (which is the oldest city in the world), and many other places. I am very disapointed and I want to go anyway, but I understand that my and Adams safety are the most important thing.  As a matter of fact I think it is forbiden for the Jewish people of Israel to go to Jericho (dont quote me  : ) )

Random Facts:

Tel-Aviv means Spring Hill
You have to show the inside of your bags before entering a public store or coffee shop
When an olive tree is cut down it will grow back
The olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane are saplings of the original olive trees from the time of Jesus
The Dead sea is the lowest section of the earths crust.

Thats it for today, its been a "cool" weekend and is supposed to heat up starting tomorrow.  Cool is in quotations because it still feels HOT. (its only about 8o somthing degrees out but feels much hotter.)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 4

Today Adam and I decided to go to one of the 2 golf courses in Israel.  It was not a hot day for Israel so it was perfect for hitting some balls on the driving range.  we drove for about 30 minutes and arrived at the golf course where I believe there were more visitors than Israelis. When we went into the pro shop they Immedietly greeted us in English and Spoke English to us.  When we puchased the golf balls and the rental clubs the guy behind the counter over charged us, Adam corrected him and told me that people here always try to do that to unsespecting tourists.  After hitting a few rounds of balls (not so well, might I say) We headed off to the beach.  We went to a small beach that you have to hike down to.  There were only about 20 people there so it was quite relaxing.  The water of the Medetrainian was slightly warm and nice to be in.  We left shortly after a quick dip in the water and went back home, ate some food and watched Israeli Dancing with the stars.  Adams Parents have been wonderful to me and I was very lucky to have my own personal tour guides : )  There is so much more to see and do, luckly I have some time.  We will go to Eilat next week and to the Dead Sea.  We also plan on hikeing up to Messada.  Hopefuly I will meet my granfathers brother and his wife while I am here as well, they are traveling through Israel till next week.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 3...

Today was a slow day, spent most of the day relaxing.  In the afternoon we went to Jaffo Tel Aviv.  We walked down narrow old walkways and saw more ruins from the time of the Bible.  It was very relaxing and Beautiful.  The nice thing was that it was not that crowded because it is the day before Shabbat.  Afterwards we met some friends of adams parents for dinner at a resturant by the marina.  I had the best Fetta cheese I have ever eaten, and some really good salmon.  We came back to the house, had watermellon  on the porch and now I am off to bed.

P.S.  Just so everyone knows It is very safe here, I hope none of my last posts sounded otherwise.  There are cautions in Israel but it is safe.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 2.....Lost between Religions

dispite my jet-lag and not planing to do anything on my first day, Adam and his mom were in a hurry to show me the country.  We decided to visit the old city of Jerusalem.  Adams mom is a tour guide for a living and knows all the places in Israel, so she gave the tour and adam translated.  We drove down a road to Jerusalem that is shut off to Jews after dark because it drives through muslim towns and it is considerd un safe for Jews, although Adam assured me that it was perfectly safe durring the day.  We got to Jerusalem and parked had coffee and walked to the old city. At the coffee shop, before going in you had to show your bag to security. Upon entering the old city the streets became narrow walkways with old stone steps leading past small marketplace shops. as you walked down the narrow walkways you could smell the Intoxicating scent of exotic spices, foods and Incensce.  There were stores that sold Christian, Jewish and Muslim Items, the store workers spoke many languages to cater to most touists.  After walking through long maze like walkways we came upon the church that housed the place where Jesus was put on the cross, crusified, removed and then burried.  It was enchanting to stand in a place so old and to touch the rock where Jesus was crusified.  We walked by the stone where Jesus was Prepared for burial and then the room built over the place where the cave was which Jesus had been put to rest.  Outside were old ruins everywhere of columns, old walls and walkways which were older than one could imagine.  When Inside the building, I lined up to touch the place where Jesus had been crusified and Adam said because he was Jewish he was forbiden to touch it.  I still dont understand, I am not Christian and to me it was just amazing to touch a place so old and so legendary.  We went on to the western wall walking by countless ruins and old pillars and collumns now used as benches.  When we reached the western wall Adam told me to follow his mom to the part for women and he was going to the part for men, he told me to touch the wall, think happy thoughts, and walk away from the wall backwards not turning you back on it.  I am not Jewish either but to go up to the wall and see all the people praying and sticking their notes in the cracks was awe inspireing.  Over the wall you could see the rounded gold plated roof of the now muslim temple, Unfortunatly going beyond the wall was not and option for us.  At that point it was time for me to get some rest, and the 80 degree weather felt more like 99 degrees.  So we left the old city and headed back home, we will go back another day.

P.S. I know I have many spelling mistakes, My spell check was not working... ; )

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 1

After a long 5 hour flight to New York, and an even longer 10.5 hour flight into Tel Aviv, I finaly landed in Israel. the mother and child behind me spoke English all the way from New York and once we landed in Tel Aviv Imediatly switched to speaking Hebrew.  Some of the religious Jewish men on the flight were praying in the isles as we prapared to cross into israeli airspace.  We left the airplane to find ourselves in a nicely renovated airport with fountains, cafes and lots of glass windows.  Adam was waiting for me outside customs, we got in his car and headed to Modiin Israel.  It was only a 15 minute drive from the large city of Tel Aviv to the small town of Modiin. Modiin is a new residential town half way between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, it consists mostly of tightly packed apartment buildings, it is what i would have imagined a town in Israel to look like.  I met Adam's parents and used the 5 words in hebrew that I knew, luckly adam did all the translating for us.  We ate and ate and ate watched a little Israeli T.V. and I went to bed.  I had trouble falling asleep because every five minutes or so I could hear Boom, Boom, Boom far off in the distance.  It was quite far away, but sounded like bombs going off in the distance. I asked adam what it was and he said that we were close to the border of where the arabs live and there was always some type of conflict going on on that side of Israel.  Finaly it stoped and I went to sleep, and slept peacefuly.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Finaly leaving

Well, although it seems no one even reads my blog, I will continue to write in it in case somone is interested. I leave tuesday morning, tomorrow my aunt and grandma will drive me to sacramento then I will take a train to SF bay area. My mom and I will spend some time together and she will take me to the airport in the morning. It will be a long flight from San Francisco to New York and then from New York to Tel Aviv. I hear that Israel is on the brink of starting a war with Iran, that is a little scary, however I am sure things will be just fine. My grandparents have been great in helping me get ready for my trip, I am very greatful for that. Now I just need to get that flight over with. Adam says it really hot in tel aviv, however I checked the temperature there and it was only in the 80s I am sure it will get much hotter but I can handle it. I will try to post lots of pictures.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

waiting for the day of the flight..

I am terrified of flying. Unfortunatly I have many nights lately where I cant sleep because I am scared of flying on my trip. Once on the flight I always get over my fear (unless there is turbulance.) I just wish that I could blink and be at my destination, without haveing to fly. but it will all be worth it. : ) Today I packed more stuff. I have no Idea what to wear, I checked on line for what the locals wear in Israel. I have heard things from casual dress to dress up. Obviously in the religious areas I would have to wear a skirt to my ankels and a top that has sleeves. Crocs (ewww.) are very popular there, but you wont see me in them. I figure basic comfortable summer wear will get me through the trip just fine. I will not bring jeans, the weather will be way too hot. I have a list of places I would like to visit, from the western wall in jerusalem to the hip shopping areas in tel aviv, and I can always buy clothes while I am there : )

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So I got my tickets today. I leave on the 24th of June and return on the 18th of July. My cousins Kiley and Maddi are in Peru right now and will be gone for a few weeks. I am very happy for them and excited to see their photos. I think it is wonderful that we can all see the world. I plan on seeing as much as I can and will post pictures regularly. Anyway I should start packing..... ; )

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Going to Israel

I will be going to Israel in a week and spending a few weeks there. I will be meeting Adam out there (my Husband, who has been there for a few weeks already) and I will meet my family in laws. None of them speak English, so I have 1 week to learn as much Hebrew as possible.


My Blog...

This blog will be mostly about traveling, hoping I will be doing more of that in the future. But it will be about many other things, anything that inspires me to write and share my experiences with others. I have traveled to many different states with my grandparents as I was growing up, when I was 16 my mom took me to Europe for the first time. I loved it! I have always enjoyed traveling, I love road trips. I do not like to fly, it scares me but being able to go anywhere around the world makes it worth it. I moved to Louisiana for a year, and growing up in California, it was quite an experience. I got married in October 2006 to a man from Israel, together we have traveled some of the U.S. states including spending a great deal of time in Florida. (this last Feb we took a wonderful road trip to Key West.) I love all types of places from Paris to tropical paradises. Some places I hope to go to in the future are Thailand, Egypt, Russia, Greece, south America, Cuba, and I would always love to go back to Europe. Thank you for taking time to look at, and read my blog, I hope you read my future posts.