Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A quick catch up

July 6, 2011 18:15

I have only had wifi once since my last post, however we were so worn out when we got to the hotel that we didn't have a chance to do anything, in addition, that morning, due to another time change, we were again so tired that when we woke up we had to hurry and leave. We have covered many of our trip highlights have been covered in the last few days. We spent a day and a half at yellowstone where we tried to see a little of everything. We walked to a few waterfalls, saw many geothermal pools and saw Old faithful geyser in addition to some small geysers. The thermal pooka were my favorite because it is something unique that you cant really see many places. The pools ranged from crystal clear turquoise pools that were anywhere from a foot deep to seemingly bottomless to boiling pits of mud or simmering shallow puddles. After yellowstone, we drove for a day and the next day we saw devils tower (a giant tower of volcanic rock socking up randomly in the middle on nowhere) and mount Rushmore. I also had my first encounter with wild prairie dogs which have become my new favorite animal. Which reminds me, in yellow stone we had the unique opportunity to see a wild grizzly and two baby cubs cross the road. We were very close, close enough to make me a little nervous that the grizzly might get scared and maul us. Anyway, after devils tower we saw mount Rushmore today we made it to our final destination, wadena MN. We will be here till the reunion is over. Kiley is getting on the plane Sunday in Minneapolis because she has summer classes, but the rest of us will drive home together.

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