Saturday, April 18, 2009

playing catch up

I haven't written in this for a long time. its been almost one year since my trip to Israel last summer. I am in school trying to get my credits done so I can transfer to a university. I hope to take another trip this summer, however being a student on a student budget I am not sure if that will be likely. Adam's cousin from France last week and he wants us to visit him in Paris, that would be wonderful. I have been to Paris once, i loved it and would love to visit it again. Nothing interesting is going on right now, just studying and working. Last week we took a short trip to Carmel California. We took Adam's cousin along with us. The trip was beautiful despite the cold weather. We drove down highway one and stoped at a fruit store where we got fresh organic strawberries, artichoke salsa, honey still in the honey comb, and some pistachios. we stoped at the Monterrey beach and had a lovely picnic with the food we purchased. After that we took the 17 mile scenic drive which goes through pebble beach. we admired one of the most famous golf courses and searched for sea creatures in the tide pools. We watched seals play and sea lions lie in the sun on rocks. when we got to Carmel we did a bit of shopping and then walked to Carmel beach to watch the sun set. It was a cold evening so we quickly rushed to our hotel which had the most delightful view of the ocean, and from there went to a lovely little french restaurant. overall it was a beautiful day. the next day we had pastries and went home. we are in Reno right now visiting my grandparents. I always like coming here and just spending time with my family. in two days we will head back home to start our routine again.